Iconic Businesses of Dallas

Episode 16 | Darlisa Navarro, The Babysitter's Bunch

Hailey Kim Season 1 Episode 16

This week's guest is Darlisa Navarro, the executive director of Tomorrow's Achievers, a non-profit organization that assists families in the DFW area with food and daily essentials. She's also the founder of The Babysitter's Bunch, an affordable membership service that matches high quality baby-sitters with DFW families. They also offer tutoring, after school care, on call sitters and traveling sitters. When she’s not busy running her business and helping others in need, she’s spending time with her four daughters and three grandchildren! 

If you’d like more information about Tomorrow's Achievers or would like to make a donation, contact Darlisa on instagram @tomorrows_achievers1

For more information on The Babysitter Bunch, visit www.thebabysitterbunch.com
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This episode was recorded in Dallas Texas at Iconic Real Estate and edited by Shaun Chapman